From Nancy: My body is not like most. The internet tells me my odd deformity will not shorten my lifespan, but it makes me different. It affected my breastfeeding experience, but what was truly unexpected was the way breastfeeding affected my most peculiar body. Why should you care? And why should I reveal now my …
The Cost of Formula Feeding
From Barbara: What is the cost of formula feeding? As much as we are not fans of artificial baby milk, ie formula marketing, the product itself was created to help keep babies alive when human milk was not available. The first rule of lactation is feed the baby. The second rule is protect the parent’s milk supply. If we do not …
Milk Production and Menses: What’s the Connection?
Milk production and menses? Is low milk production and periods related? From Nancy: “I’ve heard that milk production can drop when I get my period. Is that true? Does that mean I won’t have enough milk for my baby?” Concerns about milk production top the “worry list” for many new parents. [1] Among these worries …
Relactation Basics
From Barbara: Do we really need to know about relactation? Recently in Michigan we experienced a crisis in formula availability. This led many families to think about the idea of “relactation” so they could rely on their bodies to feed their babies instead of outside resources. This often comes from a “Desire to have a …
Nursing is Much More Than Milk
From Nancy: Nursing is much more than milk. When discussing lactation, the health effects of human milk often get top billing, but nursing gives children much more than calories and immune-boosting ingredients. Nursing provides sensory stimulation that enhances infant neurodevelopment.[1] It is one of baby’s first social interactions. The sucking of nursing calms and comforts …
Cow’s milk protein allergy?
Many of our families are told by well meaning health care professionals (or family or friends or social media…) that they need to eliminate dairy from their diet to cure fussiness and gas, basically a variety of normal newborn behaviors. Newborn babies are almost always fussy and gassy! Eliminating cow’s milk from a person’s diet …
How To Become An IBCLC
How to Become an IBCLC Note: These are Barbara’s interpretations of the IBLCE website about how to become an IBCLC in an attempt to try and clarify this process. Want to know more about becoming an IBCLC or our 95 hour professional lactation course, the CCLS? Contact us or email for more information or …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 78: Liz’s Breastfeeding and Induced Lactation Story
This one is so special! Liz shares her journey of growing her family via a gestational surrogate, and how she induced lactation to bring in her own milk supply! Jessica hosted, and said “beautiful” and “oh my gosh” more times than you can count throughout this amazing story of strength, support, and love for baby Eve and Liz‘s …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 78: Liz’s Breastfeeding and Induced Lactation StoryRead More
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 77: New Mastitis Protocol
New Mastitis protocol? Yes, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine has added a new protocol, #36, the Mastitis Protocol. Actually, it is updated but the ideas in it are so revolutionary, it may as well be new! Dr. Katrina Mitchell was a major force behind these changes. She had noticed in her clinic as a Breastfeeding …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 77: New Mastitis ProtocolRead More
IBCLC Recertification Made Simple!
Recertifying by CERPs Made Simple We, Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA and Barbara Robertson, MA, IBCLC, have been busy bees again! Our goal is to try to provide effective, easy solutions to your lactation education needs by offering special IBCLC recertification courses. Lately, a lot has changed for recertifying IBCLCs. Do you find these changes confusing …