Making More Milk Virtual Book Group

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Do you want to unlock the secrets of Making More Milk?

Barbara D. Robertson is joined by Lisa Marasco, one of the authors of the book, to break things down for you. Having a structured format tends to move things from the "oh I should do that" to DONE!

This course is for professionals and families. All you need is to be a person who wants to know more about milk supply. When you register, you will get an invitation to join Thinkific, an easy-to-use, online learning program. You will see the required reading listed for each of the seven sessions.  This group will consist of seven live 2-hour Zoom meetings where the important parts of the assigned chapters will be reviewed. After the discussion, there will be 30 minutes to answer your questions, and then the last 30 minutes will be spent in break-out rooms discussing our clinical questions. You do not need to attend all of the live meetings. These meetings will be recorded and posted on our Thinkific Course for you.

Do you struggle with...

Discerning whether someone actually has a breastmilk supply issue?
Understanding where to start when exploring milk supply issues?
Knowing the best ways to help increase a breastmilk supply?
Sharing information about which herbs and foods might do what?
Identifying how much to supplement and when?
Explaining which alternative ways of feeding babies might be best?

This virtual book group is for you.

A woman of Indian descent is breastfeeding her baby daughter. The woman is sitting on a couch in her home's living room. The relaxed mother is enjoying the skin to skin contact and bonding time with her child. The image is shot over the woman's shoulder looking down at the baby and is focused on the baby. Family moments and postpartum concepts.

For this virtual book group you will need:

  1. The 2020 Edition of Making More Milk (the old 2010 edition will not work!)
  2. A decent computer (phones don't work as well for this type of meeting)
  3. To be tech-savvy and familiar with Zoom meetings
  4. About 4 hours per session to read 40-80 pages and watch recorded Zoom meeting of the discussion with Q and A. If you want CERPs, you'll also complete a quiz for each session.

What is a book group?

A book group is where a group of like-minded people get together after having read the same materials. Usually, they get together (often with a glass of wine) but during COVID groups are meeting virtually. This group can then have an informed discussion about those materials. Usually, the author of the book does not attend the meetings. The power of a book group is the collective knowledge, experience, and perspectives of its members. Each person's voice needs to be heard to form questions for discussion and to be able to analyze the materials.

A beautiful young mixed race African American mother holds her daughter while taking notes at her dining table serving as a temporary remote work from home station with breast pump in foreground.

Rules of Engagement for Questions

The Right - And Wrong - Way To Ask A Question

Remember that this book group is a group to expand our knowledge on the latest clinical practice and research on breastfeeding. This is not a time to give a specific scenario and get a plan of what to do for that family or yourself. We will answer one question per person and take as many questions as possible during our time together.

We’ve discovered that there are two ways to ask a question. The first way is to ask a question that relates to a concept, strategy or idea shared in the book group and frame it in a way where the answer can benefit the entire group. This method gets two thumbs up and wild cheers from everyone.

The other way is more self-serving. It’s when you ask a question that’s so specific to you and not connected to the curriculum, that it’s hard for anyone else to relate or get value.

This kind of question gets a sad face from us, and especially from your fellow students.

The moral of the story is, of course, to ask a question in a way that serves both you and our entire community.

There are a few ground rules here. Start with your full name and where you’re from. Please keep your questions as concise as possible. If we need more details or backstory, she’ll let you know.

It’s our intention that this time together will bring you incredible clarity, inspiration and motivation. Not to mention some as-close-to-in-person-as-possible fun! We know it’s a virtual program but we feel so connected to this community and we are passionately committed to helping you become more knowledgeable about how to help more nursing families.

Refund Policy / Terms & Conditions

Cancellation Policy: There are no refunds for this course.

Make-Up Policy: You will have 90 days to complete the course. If you are not able to complete the course by the deadline, reach out to us to request an extension for a fee. Illness, family emergencies, and so on, are not our responsibility but we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your situation.

Completion Policy. In order to provide you with proof of having completed the L-CERP and certificate requirements, you will need to complete all assignments and quizzes in their entirety. Should you become unable to complete a training you have started, the Make-Up Policy (above) will apply.

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