You can still participate virtually! Being a Detective and a Scientist: A Day of Case Studies (Webinar Series)

It's not too late to be a part of the conference! All the recordings and materials are up and available to watch at your leisure.


Catherine Watson Genna


Nancy Mohrbacher


Barbara D. Robertson


Jessica Beemsterboer

The list of recordings:

Session 1: Being a detective and scientist- Gathering the clues and evidence
Session 2: Case study with Barbara: Slow weight gain
Session 3: Case study with Barbara: Inducing lactation and helping a baby to breast- Working with a same-sex couple
Session 4:Case study with Nancy: Ongoing breast and nipple pain
Session 5: Case study with Cathy: Too late for breastfeeding?
Session 6: Case study with Jessica: Troubleshooting breast and nipple pain
Session 7: Case study with Nancy: Feeding struggles at 4 months
Session 8: Case study with Cathy: Mom or Baby?

7 L CERPs have been approved.

Summary of L-CERPs by IBCLC DCO Section
2 L-CERPs: Section I: Development and Nutrition
0.25 L-CERPs: Section II: Physiology and Endocrinology
3.75 L-CERPs: Section III: Pathology
0.5 L-CERPs: Section IV: Pharmacology and Toxicology
0 L-CERPs: Section V: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology
0.5 L-CERPs: Section VI: Techniques
0 L-CERPs: Section VII: Clinical Skills
7 L-CERPs Total

Cost: $150

Five Reasons You Will Love Our Conference!


You will learn the process of what a lactation consultation needs to be effective. What information do you need, how to ask the right questions in the right way, putting all the information together, working with the client to create a care plan, and follow-up will all be covered.


Real Case Studies provide unique insight into how you might change your practice to become a more effective lactation helper.


The combination of watching live but having the option to watch recordings later AND have access to the bonus materials is invaluable.


Having four different presenters to watch and learn from so you can pick and choose what might work for you in your practice.


We offer so many resources for you so you can know exactly where to go to get accurate and current breastfeeding information.

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