We want to help you move from Passion to Practice! Come grow with us.
A Journey of Passion and Drive
LactaLearning is the result of a long evolution and journey stemming from Barbara Robertson’s dreams and drive. Barbara started out with a strong passion for learning and teaching and then later fell in love with lactation. Her journey led her to become a La Leche Leader, start a private practice as an IBCLC, teach parents about breast/chestfeeding, and ultimately created The Breastfeeding of Ann Arbor (BFCAA) which offers parent services and professional lactation trainings. Barbara now has so many professional trainings, her current passion, that she needed to expand her business to accommodate this growth.
A New Business & Brand
To reflect this expansion, LactaLearning was born! As a national and international professional trainer, Barbara realized her business needed to reflect this and created the LactaLearning brand with love and intention.
But do not worry – The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor is still alive and well. This sister business will continue to offer the highest quality of support for families.
What’s New at LactaLearning?
LactaLearning is now able to offer all of our existing trainings, 95-hour lactation course, book groups, ethics, communication skills, AND add several more. We are pleased to announce for the fall of 2022 a brand new self-studied 95-hour lactation course with the amazing Nancy Mohrbacher, a one-day lactation conference with Cathy Watson Genna and Lisa Marasco, AND a new book group with Dr. James McKenna reading Safe Infant Sleep. Come explore and nurture your passion with us!
New Partners
As we’ve grown we needed to expand our team. Nancy Mohrbacher has come on board with not only our new 95-hour course but helping us with many behind the scene tasks and we are continuing to imagine new ideas and bring them to life. Jessica Beemsterboer is becoming more and more involved with our professional trainings, especially in the areas of technology. Jessica gives us the confidence to keep LactaLearning’s technology use cutting edge.