From Nancy: When Is Pumping Too Much, Not Enough, or Just Right? I’m often asked the question: “Do nursing parents need to pump in order to make enough milk?” The short answer is no. Effective breast pumps have been available for only about the past 70 years. Clearly humans have successfully nursed their babies for …
All Things Breastfeeding 75: Best Lactation Education Principles
Who cares about what kind of lactation education principles are being used? Isn’t everyone just doing lecture and power point? No! LactaLearning believes their are better ways to learn and with Barbara Robertson’s Masters Degree in Curriculum Development you better believe the best lactation education principles are being used to create all the LactaLearning courses. …
All Things Breastfeeding 75: Best Lactation Education PrinciplesRead More
Why do Babies Spit Up and What can we do About it?
From Nancy: Spitting up can trigger a host of worries in new parents, some related to their role in this behavior and others to do with baby’s growth and health. Was it something I did? Was it something I ate? Will my baby’s weight gain suffer with the loss of so much milk? Does my …
Fathers and Breastfeeding
From Barbara: Happy Father’s Day to anyone who identifies as a father! With breast/chestfeeding the bulk of the focus is on the birthing parent, typically the mother. But what about Dads? Where do they fit into this picture? From research, we know that father support is important to breastfeeding success. In a 2022 study looking …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 83: The Power of Words and Breastfeeding Success
How important are our words and communication skills as lactation professionals for our families’ success? This episode is all about the power of words as lactation supporters to boost or undermine our nursing families self efficacy. Barbara and Jessica discuss how the social emotional state of breast/chestfeeding families plays a huge role in the postpartum …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 83: The Power of Words and Breastfeeding SuccessRead More
My Magical Breast: Where No Breast Had Gone Before
From Nancy: My body is not like most. The internet tells me my odd deformity will not shorten my lifespan, but it makes me different. It affected my breastfeeding experience, but what was truly unexpected was the way breastfeeding affected my most peculiar body. Why should you care? And why should I reveal now my …
The Cost of Formula Feeding
From Barbara: What is the cost of formula feeding? As much as we are not fans of artificial baby milk, ie formula marketing, the product itself was created to help keep babies alive when human milk was not available. The first rule of lactation is feed the baby. The second rule is protect the parent’s milk supply. If we do not …
Milk Production and Menses: What’s the Connection?
Milk production and menses? Is low milk production and periods related? From Nancy: “I’ve heard that milk production can drop when I get my period. Is that true? Does that mean I won’t have enough milk for my baby?” Concerns about milk production top the “worry list” for many new parents. [1] Among these worries …
Relactation Basics
From Barbara: Do we really need to know about relactation? Recently in Michigan we experienced a crisis in formula availability. This led many families to think about the idea of “relactation” so they could rely on their bodies to feed their babies instead of outside resources. This often comes from a “Desire to have a …
Nursing is Much More Than Milk
From Nancy: Nursing is much more than milk. When discussing lactation, the health effects of human milk often get top billing, but nursing gives children much more than calories and immune-boosting ingredients. Nursing provides sensory stimulation that enhances infant neurodevelopment.[1] It is one of baby’s first social interactions. The sucking of nursing calms and comforts …